Differences between biodegradable, compostable and Recyclable

Differences between biodegradable, compostable and Recyclable

As more and more individuals and companies make the decision to "go green", words like recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable get thrown around a lot. But did you know these three words refer to different processes? 


Let's start with biodegradable, a broad term that refers to something that can naturally be broken down by microorganisms (like bacteria and fungi) in an unspecified amount of time, ranging from paper and food waste to manure and dead plants (did you know banana skin takes two years to biodegrade?).

 Biodegradable packaging decomposes much faster than their traditional counterparts, meaning less harmful greenhouse emissions. Thus, our biodegradable packaging (made from the food industry’s waste) that’s marked “compostable” will biodegrade safely and completely under certain conditions and within a specific time frame.

That’s why we at Compostable and MBA Green are proud of our green packaging products that comply with EU Standards, from bags and cups to cutlery and containers. We are not plastic, meaning the environment is kept safe thanks to our commitment to compostable-, recyclable-, and biodegradable packaging.


Both biodegradable products and compostable packaging are created from natural packaging materials; however, compostable packaging (which is made from natural materials, like starch) will fully decompose and break down into nutrient-rich elements without producing toxic residue.

For a product to be classified as compostable, it needs to meet certain requirements defined by the EU – which all our green packaging products do. And since we believe that compostable packaging is the future, we are constantly researching new and cost-effective ways to help turn your regular packaging into eco friendly ones. That’s why we also support endeavours to create compostable solutions that can be recycled.   

To do your part for our planet, always check your product label to see if your compostable product is suitable for home composting or industrial composting (in which case, it must not be thrown into home composts).


Along with biodegradable packaging and compostable packaging, recycling is another way in which we are saving the world.

We’ve all (hopefully) heard about recycling: the process of breaking down an existing product and converting it into something new, usually as a raw material. But even recycling has its limits - while some materials (like standard plastics and paper) can be recycled only a handful of times, others (like glass and metal) can continually be recycled.


  •   Certain common things (like batteries and clothing fabrics) need special recycling, yet are still recyclable
  •   Each city's commitment to recycling differs, so first check with your neighbourhood what you can recycle!

One of the ways in which retailers and manufacturers (including us at MBA Green) help boost recycling is by including the recycling information on packaging. Opting for reusable packaging helps prolong certain products’ life, such as reusing bags or boxes or returning / exchanging certain products. 

We at Compostable and MBA Green are proud of our packaging products that comply with EU Standards, from bags and cups to cutlery and containers. We are not plastic, meaning the environment is kept safe thanks to our commitment to compostable-, recyclable-, and biodegradable packaging.